Brexit update for our UK Customers

We are delighted that the majority of our UK customers have not let the uncertainty of the current Brexit situation spoil their 2019 holidays plans. However for those who are less confident in confirming their travel plans for the upcoming months, we do sympathise with your concerns.

At this time, a political solution has not yet been reached, however regardless of the outcome, trains, ferries and planes will still travel to EU countries, and individual travellers from the UK and beyond will continue to be welcomed across Europe.

In the event that a deal is agreed, there is likely to be a transition period which means that it is unlikely that anything will change until the end of December 2020. In the less likely event that the UK exits from the EU without a deal, then there will be some changes to specific rules and requirements (for example an introduction of a minimum six months remaining unexpired on your passport, and changes to insurance and driving licence requirements for those planning on driving on the continent). None of these proposed changes will affect our ability to deliver your Grape Escape exactly as booked, therefore we are confident that your trip will take place as planned. As such, our standard terms and conditions will continue to apply to your booking.

However we do recommend that you look at ABTA’s very helpful Brexit advice page, which answers the most common Brexit-related questions.

We hope that this has provided some reassurance, however please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any unanswered questions with regards to Brexit.